I know I said I am taking a step back from blogland but it's Halloween and you can't get enough Halloween decor, right?? Plus, my amazing, talented and fabulous sister assembled this banner and I had to share it! I would have never embellished it as cute as she did. 

This is made just like my SPRING and NOEL pinwheel banner, go HERE for assembling instructions. My sister added ribbon, used streamers as extra pinwheels, buttons, glitter, ink on the coffee filters and more cute ribbon!
Click the download button below to get your banner and start assembling!!!
Now if I can just get her to make mine, I will be all set!!! Happy Halloween!
Background papers by justsoscrappy.blogspot.com and Sprik Space
Background papers by justsoscrappy.blogspot.com and Sprik Space
linking up to these parties: