Friday, March 30, 2012

Fave Furniture Fridays #3

Helloooooo! Happy Friday! I've brought you a tutorial today by the lovely Cerniks and their blog. Click on the picture below to check out how they bought a table for $20 on craigslist and transformed it. I LOVE  before and afters- and they show you how to do it and what to use.

 Here is a chair that I finished this week. It's going to take a special person to buy this chair! I wanted to use some fuschia velvet that I had, and it really pops with the aqua! The before? Too horrible to show. ;)
 And another... this one had a pleather seat that I just covered over. Usually I remove the old upholstery, but this one was kindof...nice to sit on. That's the whole point, right? This grey and yellow floral fabric is an apparel fabric so I pulled it tight and sprayed it with scotchguard. It's a staple at our house!
 THIS chair... was my favorite. it's certainly from the archives and long gone, but I loved the green color and the white seat. I think at the next house, I'm going to paint my dining room that green! :)

...and some barstools that I found for $5 and repainted. I sold these on craigslist after a few YEARS of using them.. and the person who bought had no correlation with the letter R. funny!
I leave you with an incredible quote that I found on Pinterest!
If you're as pinterest addicted as I am, you can find me here. :)

Do you have a great project that you've been working on?? Link up! We would love to show you off!
Have a great week!

fave furniture fridays!

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Banner {Free Printable}

I originally posted this Spring banner on {I Heart Naptime} and wanted to share it with all my lovely readers in case you missed it!

Spring is HERE and so is a happy, bright and fun Spring printable banner. Well, actually your choice between TWO Spring banners, because I love Spring that much . You can choose from one BRIGHT and one PASTEL.
I chose to make the bright banner to add some pop to my otherwise white and gray mantel.
To make your Spring printable banner as shown above, you will need:
Coffee Filters
Clothes pins
Hot Glue Gun
Download and print your choice of banner

After downloading your choice between the two banners, follow the instructions found HERE to make the pinwheels.
 After you have your pinwheels made, simply glue them onto 2 coffee filters, hang your twine and pin up your banner with the clothes pins. Then sit back and enjoy this WONDERFUL Spring season!

 Background papers adapted from Persnickety Prints.
You can download the "You make me Happy" print on my mantel HERE
Happy Spring!

I chose to make the bright banner to add some pop to my otherwise white and gray mantel.
To make your banner as shown above, you will need:
Coffee Filters
Clothes pins
Hot Glue Gun
and to download and print your choice of banner

After downloading your choice between the two banners, follow the instructions found HERE (tutorial on my NOEL banner also made for I HEART Naptimers) to make pinwheels.
 After you have your pinwheels made, simply glue them onto 2 coffee filters, hang your twine and pin up your banner with the clothes pin. Sit back and enjoy this WONDERFUL Spring season!

 You can download "You make me Happy" print HERE

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fave Furniture Fridays...#2

Hello blog world.. and welcome to the second edition of Fave Furniture Fridays!
 (or, as Telisa and i have started calling it- "FFF")
Thanks so much for your links last week- it was fun checking each one out. The link with the most clicks was actually Telisa's- her armoire makeover was stunning, and you can see why!

I've been busy this week with a few projects of my own. I'm a big big fan of turning "trash to treasure", and the cheaper I can get a piece of furniture, the better the treasure it makes.
(when someone puts it on the curb, even BETTER!)
I usually redo about 2-3 pieces a week, and it's gotten a little crowded in our house- most of the pieces are either sold on craigslist or given to friends now. It's such a fun hobby!
Did i mention a little crowded in our house? I meant a lot.

This chair was one that i found at goodwill for three dollars.
This is a record console (it has vertical dividers in each section of double doors) that i found on the curb. WHO would throw this away??? not i. (also, I passed up an old organ because i couldn't think of anything fun do with it. It looked like a piano, but had a few rows of keys. thoughts??) I lightly sanded it, primed and painted it a gorgeous blue-grey, distressed it and changed out the knobs.
These end tables came with the chevron coffee table (here) that I beautified a few weeks ago. No before picture, but just imagine... dark wood. dangley handles. yuck.

I like chairs. Here's another one with a FABULOUS back design. So retro! I painted it grey and had to create a seat for it because the one that was on it crumbled in my hands as i unscrewed it. ewww.
After buying some new foam, i covered the seat in a pretty yellow corduroy with wide stripes. :)
Show some love- link up at our weekly party today and don't miss another one! Fill in your email address on the right sidebar to keep current! (hint, hint. g-i-v-e-a-w-a-y soon)
*Link-up your post (not your main URL) to this party, then include a link back to this page  
*No Etsy pages or business websites please.
 *Include a short description of your project and the name
of your blog in your link up.
   * Visit at least 2 other blog links and show them some love!
  *Grab the party-link button on the left side bar so others can join the PARTY!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

{Free Printable} over at I Heart Naptime Today

You can find me over at {I Heart Naptime} today with a FREE Spring Printable . . . well, 2 actually:) Here is a sneak peek:
I {Heart} Spring!!!! Come over and visit!

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Memories Suite V.3 Coupon Code & Grouping Tutorial

For those of you who have My Memories Suite V.3, a FABULOUS digital scrapbooking program, here is a great tutorial on how to use the grouping tools. My FAVORITE feature of the new version and one I use more than anything. I love it!
Click HERE to view the tutorial.

It saves sooooo much time changing the size of objects. For example, I get a lot of requests to have my cupcake toppers changed from 2" circles to as big as 7" inch circles. Before, I had to change each layer separately but now I can group them all together to make the topper bigger or smaller! So simple.

If you don't have the new version yet or even have My Memories Suite, my coupon code doesn't expire! It gives you $10 off the software and $10 towards anything in their shop! Just use this code at checkout:



Friday, March 16, 2012

New Series: Fave Furniture Fridays!

Welp, it's about time for a series around here.. and what else but my favorite things?
Yippee! Furniture!
I'll be posting every friday with my latest and greatest finds. Tutorials, DIY, paint, all kinds of fun stuff!
Link up your fave furniture transformations, tutorials and great finds, too!
I'll post the most popular the next week.

This first piece was found at kitchy living, and it's a doozie! (is that a word?) 
I love that it's a traditional piece that is painted an unexpected color. You would EXPECT this vanity/desk to be dark brown wood, right?
This chandelier... blows my mind. Absolutely Gorgeous. Found it at JamesPlumb.
This is an incredible transformation. Who would think to cut out the top section of a dresser and use it as a bench?? Chic Staging and Design would. That's who.
Can I post my own furniture makeover?
Yep. I'm doing it.
I turned a console TV into a fort. Check out the post here!

I've used this tutorial many, many times. How to paint letters perfectly on wood. Genius!
How to paint laminate. That's right. IT CAN BE DONE!!! I found this tutorial by CentsationalGirl, and it's awesome. She even recommends sanding down the drips after priming and before your two coats of paint.phew! A lot of work, but so worth it!
Okay, so party rules?? You've gotta have 'em.
(thanks to NightOwlCrafting for the rules, because I had no idea.)
*Link-up your post (not your main URL) to this party, then include a link back to this page  
*No Etsy pages or business websites please.
 *Include a short description of your project and the name
of your blog in your link up.
   * Visit at least 2 other blog links and show them some love!
  *Grab the party-link button on the side bar so others can join the PARTY!
(looking for the link button? look no further.  It'll be up next week!)
I can't wait to see what you SugarTots find! ;)

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Baby Jar Topiary & felt flower tutorial

I recently cleaned out my scary basement . . . again, and found a LOT of baby jars that I just couldn't toss because I was hoping they would come in handy someday. Well, I have used them for Halloween, Christmas and Valentine's treats, bead holders, bobby bin holders, elastic holders, etc. and now finally found a different use for them. . .
Mini topiaries! So unnecessary but fun nonetheless.
If you want to join in on my craziness, here is what you will need:
baby jars (however many you want to make, I made 5 (even though 6 are shown:))
Candy or other decor to fill the baby jars
sucker sticks
felt or other material to make flowers
a drill
spray paint for the lids (I used green, not shown in picture)
hot glue gun
 I started off making white flowers and it was too dull for me, I needed something bright and happy for spring.
First, drill a small hole in the middle of the baby jar lids big enough for the sticks to fit in and than spray paint them. While they are drying, get going on your felt flowers.
Cut out about 14 2" circles for each flower and one small one. Fold your circle in half, then fold half of that forward (I dabbed a little hot glue on the corner to hold it in place) and the other half backward (again using a little dab of hot glue). So you have a little S shape. I made 6 of those and then glued them in a circle on the small felt piece. After those are in place, I took one of the petals and trimmed off the tip just a little bit and glued it in the middle to make a puffy flower. 
 Now, just turn it over and do the same thing on the other side. I found that I didn't need 6 petals to go all the way around, 5 worked great and then I put one in the middle again. Put a dab of glue on your stick and put it in your flower. The jelly beans didn't hold the stick up as well as I had hoped, so I put some glue on the bottom of the lid and the stick. 
 And now you have your own little baby jar topiary! Now go make some more. . . and I dare you not to eat any of the yummy jelly beans in the process:)
linking up to these parties:
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