I just love this month's checklist of how we can LOVE, WATCH OVER and STRENGTHEN the sisters we visit teach. While I try to listen to the needs of my sisters, I find myself worrying about my boys not destroying anything, yelling or having a breakdown (which is why I REALLY need to go when their dad is home to watch them). However, I KNOW if we focus on the goals listed below, we will be successful in our efforts to bless the lives of the sisters we visit teach and "our sisters can say: (1) my visiting teacher helps me grow spiritually; (2) I know my visiting teacher cares deeply about me and my family; and (3) if I have problems, I know my visiting teacher will take action without waiting to be asked.

There are two 4x6 messages per page. Click the download button above and visit your sisters!

Awesome! Thank you for this. Just printed it out! :)