To say that life has been overwhelming lately, well . . . is an understatement. Forgive me as I step out of my usual DIY project and design mode and just chat for a bit. I tend to think that I HAVE to do everything from craft time with the boys to paint every room and piece of furniture in it to running a shop to being a supportive wife to fulfilling my church calling to taking on EVERY project I see on Pinterest to writing a family blog and business blog . . . need I go on??? Well, while all that was happening, this sweet, happy, lovable little guy turned 7 months old! It made me realize that I need to take a step back and ENJOY life without worrying about the next post, the next project, the next invitation and party kit I "need" to make. 

I just got back from a fabulous trip back to my hometown where there was no computer, no etsy shop, no bunk bed in the basement waiting for me to finish stripping, no walls for me to paint . . . just my husband, three boys and family to spend every moment with. IT. WAS. HEAVEN.
Now, I know that isn't real life (after all bills have to get paid) but it REALLY made me take what my husband has been trying to tell me for years into account. And that is to slow down and smell the roses.
We had quite the eventful two weeks and I just want to share a few of the highlights.
My 4 year old learned how to swim (he still can't keep his size 18 months swim suit on), my 2 year old started talking and my baby learned how to crawl. Tears for sure.
One of the biggest highlight of the trip (and the year) was doing a Triathlon with my three sisters. We cried, we laughed, we sang and we stayed together throughout the whole event. It was actually fun and I look forward to doing it again next year (wink, wink)!
While I was never really good at posting regularly anyway, I am taking a step back and focusing on my family. My shop will still be open and I can't help myself when it comes to free printables but I think I will do a project without taking pictures along the way and writing up a post about it;)