Wednesday, May 11, 2011

{free printable} and chicken wire frame

we had quite the thunder and lighting storm last night, i am still not used to this nebraska weather. . . insane!
anyway, since it kept me up. . . i had time to think (which is usually never good)
the storm reminded me of this print a made a few months ago when i needed a boost. . .
just thought i would share
click here or on the picture to download a 5x7 print


  1. Really cute, and totally goes along with my blog :)

  2. Telisa - The print is adorable! Thanks for sharing - Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
    ~Stephanie Lynn

  3. Love your printable but I'm having trouble downloading it with the 4shared program. Anyway you could email me directly the 5X7 image? My email address is:

    Thank you!!!


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