Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Chalkboard Style Family Goal Sign - SALE

I love setting goals for the New Year and have high hopes that THIS is the year I will keep all of them. . . this is the year, right?!? This is the year I will read my scriptures EVERYDAY, this is the year I will  have family home evening EVERY Monday, this is the year I will have family prayer EVERY night, this is the year I will attend the temple monthly, this is the year I will spend LESS, this is the year I will have patience with my children. . . etc., etc., etc. I usually feel like a big fat failure by the end of the year when I look at the goals I set and maybe accomplished one. Nonetheless, I will keep trying! I haven't been good at posting my goals and that is why I decided to make family goal signs. My Mom always had our personal goals printed, laminated and hanging in our room growing up. It is time I do that in my home:)
We are working on our family goals this week and since I am sure most of you are, you can get your custom chalkboard style family goal sign for $12 until the 5th!

I plan on printing one for my family and one for myself:) The sale ends January 5th, after that they will be $18.
Here is to keeping our goals this year (at least one or two anyway;)).


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