Friday, June 1, 2012

Chalkboard Wall Bucket List . . . and a winner!

 Here's an update to my post about our summer bucket list!
I have taken a stick of chalk to our kitchen chalkboard wall and gone to town with the list. It's motivating and fun for the kids too. Penny is always asking, "what does this one say? can we do that one today?"
Today we checked off three things. Glow sticks in the tub, movie night and a pillow fight. I can honestly say that I am exhausted and giddy at the same time. We laughed until we cried. I never thought a two year old would be able to hold her own in a pillow fight, but she ran away and hid, laughing and laughing. Sooo funny... and smart!

 Here's hoping that the weather holds up for the nature hike tomorrow... and all of our other fun outdoor activities!
I'm not too worried, though. We're having a good time finding things to stay busy this summer- and when it's too hot, I'm happy as a lark to stay in and make macaroni necklaces.
And the WINNER of a free invitation and party pack from SUGARTOT DESIGNS: THE STORE is. . .
Congrats and a big thank you to all who entered! I loved to see what designs you want to see in the shop. Stay tuned for discount codes!

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