Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween & a Mini Stocking Christmas Advent Calendar

Happy Halloween from all the Superheroes here at SugarTot Designs!!
(It took superhero powers to take a pic of 2 kids and a dog in costumes, had to settle for one playing with pumpkins)

 Yes, it's Halloween but this deal was too good not to share! I am always on the lookout for a cute and fun advent calendar for Christmas and Making The World Cuter has the perfect solution:
Handmade Mini Stocking Burlap Advent Calendar!!!
I love these!!
 It comes with 24 mini burlap stockings with 4 different ribbons, embellishments, 24 distressed and numbered clothespins and jute to hang them. You can hang them over your mantel, up the stairs, down the hall, in the kitchen, anywhere! They can be filled with scriptures, quotes, candy, trinkets or other holiday ideas. 
They normally retail for $45 but you can get them HERE for $25 plus shipping. 
Buy one for yourself or for a gift!! 

I hope you enjoy this deal as much as I do!!


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Christmas Cards by SugarTot Designs on Etsy

Christmas cards are now up at SugarTot Designs: The Shop. 
They are completely customizable: colors, font, size, wording and are sent to you in a digital format that you can take to any printing company or photo lab to print as many copies as you would like.

If you want your own one of a kind Christmas/New Year's Cards, I can make you custom, printable design for you for $15 . E-mail me at for more details.

SugarTot Designs: The Shop is having a SALE for all my followers during the month of November so be sure to come back for your exclusive coupon code.

All pictures are taken by my amazing mother . . . Photography by Kathryn


Monday, October 24, 2011

Spiderweb Munch Recipe {Free Printable Recipe Card}

I saw this recipe in our local newspaper and anything with 5 or less ingredients 
(and 2 of those being chocolate and peanut butter) I have to try!
All it takes is toasted rice cereal, peanut butter, semi-sweet chocolate chips (I used milk chocolate because I LOVE it) and powdered sugar.

Start by melting your bag of chocolate chips and 3/4 cup peanut butter in a saucepan on low/medium heat, stirring constantly. When it is completely melted, remove from heat and add 1/3 cup powdered sugar, stir vigorously until all the lumps are gone. 
I could just eat the pot of hot chocolate and peanut butter and be happy.
Pour one cup of your mixture into a bowl with 3 cups of toasted rice cereal in it until it is covered.
(I just eye balled one cup, I didn't want to deal with the mess of measuring out one cup)
After it is all mixed in well, put on an ungreased cooking sheet and form into a circle with about a one inch rim with your spatula (I tried my hands and made a huge mess, don't recommend it)

Pour the rest of the chocolate mixture in the circle. Put peanut butter in a heavy duty bag, cut a little hole in the corner and pipe concentric circles around the middle. With a toothpick, start at the middle and draw a line out forming your spiderweb.
Refrigerate for 30 minutes, cut into wedges and ENJOY!

Here is a 4x6 recipe card that you can save to your computer and print. Just click on card to open in a new window, right click and save.
So easy, so good and so cute!

linking up to these parties:

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween Party Package on Sale at {SugarTot Designs: Etsy Shop}!

My Halloween Party Kit as seen on Amy Atlas Events and Two Prince Bakery Theater is on SALE now until Halloween! If you need last minute Invitations,
Food Labels
 "Trick or Treat" Banner, 
"Beware" Banner, 
"Ghostly Greetings" Door Sign,
Game Prizes, and/or
Party Circles
head over to my SHOP to get the full kit for only $5!


linking up to  remodelaholic

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Zucchini Recipes

If any of you are swimming in zucchini like we are or have walked out to your garden to find this lurking under the leaves, I have done a bit of taste testing on some delicious 
Don't mind the goof ball with crazy hair. . . 

The Ultimate Stuffed Zucchini from Mel's Kitchen Cafe
Pinned Image

These were surprisingly OUTSTANDING!! Our boys even devoured them.

Zucchini Bread from Smitten Kitchen
zucchini bread

Zucchini and Cheese from How Does She
Soooooo simple and sooooo delicious.

I am not much of a veggie girl but I will eat zucchini any day, especially in these recipes!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

{Free Printable} Over at I Heart Naptime

Here is a sneak peak at the free printable I made for {I Heart Naptime}. Head over there to get yours today!


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Superhero Bins {Tutorial and Printable}

To say my son is obsessed with superhero's right now is an understatement. He can spot anything and everything superhero wherever we are. . .
 which is not always a good thing. I am running out of excuses of why we can't buy every superhero thing he sees.
So, we are in the process of transforming his room into, of course, a superhero room and making space for his little brother while we are at it. Here is another sneak peek into his decor:
What you need:
Logo Printout with the font, Hall of Heroes (click on images to print)
4 Fabric Bins from Target & Lowe's
Scrap Felt
Paper Scissors
Fabric Scissors
Hot Glue Gun

 This font has every superhero logo and more. My son loves me just printing them out so he can color them.
 Cut out the each layer/color of the logos.
Pin (I found it easier to pin than trace on felt) the logos onto your felt and cut out.
 Glue your background piece on the bin first and then the rest of the pieces to finish the logo.
I had a little help from my own superhero
 Pretty much the easiest tutorial. . . 

Stay tuned to see them in Bodie and Tatum's new Superhero room!

click HERE to see more!***** 

linking up to these parties:

Friday, October 14, 2011

Featured on {Amy Atlas Events} today

Here is a sneak peek at my Halloween party kit in action today over at
Dorangela at {Two Prince Bakery Theater} was the brains behind the operation and was soooooo great to work with. She put on an amazing gluten free, Halloween party.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Halloween Party Invitations & Kit

If you are planning a Halloween party, a full printable kit is now up in my shop.
Including these invitations:

Click HERE to get your halloween party kit!
