Friday, July 29, 2011

Pink Dot Creations Giveaway!

I have been feeling under the weather lately and haven't been able to get  much designing or projects done so the best way to cure the sickness blues is a
 has ADORABLE iron-on appliques, among other things, and if i had a girl . . . she would be wearing these beauties:
 in every color!!!
In the meantime, they will look cute on a pillow or wall hanging. 
Or how cute is this for little boys?!?
or I could see this on a fun pillow or wall hanging. 
Today, Pink Dot Creations is helping us get ready for fall with this sweet 
pumpkin fabric applique iron-on

Here is how you can enter to win:

1. Follow SugarTot Designs via Google Friend Connect and leave a comment telling me that you are (one entry)

2. Visit Pink Dot Creations and tell me your favorite item (one entry)

3. Follow SugarTot Designs on facebook and leave a comment that you are (one entry)

4. Follow Pink Dot Creations on facebook and leave a comment that you are (one entry)

4. Blog, tweet, facebook, etc. about this giveaway and leave a comment that you did (one entry)

That is 5 ways to enter! Good luck! This cute pumpkin could be yours!

Winner will be selected by random generator 


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mermaid Room by Sarah

Penelope's Mermaid Room!
I decided a long time ago that if I ever had a little girl, I would take a stand against the pink pink pink bedroom. Pink ruffles, pink curtains... pink, pink, pink.
Well, now I have two little girls and they LOVE pink! Penelope's room was my way of incorporating something other than pink, although she would have been very happy with the pink ruffles and curtains! So here it is...
Okay, this color was a beast to paint. Three coats. You heard right. Three. The walls were white, so I didn't prime them. Oops. After two coats, I couldn't see anymore white, but could see "lighter" orange. So, prime. prime, prime, prime. And I don't even want to think about what it's going to take to paint over it! ;)

SOMEBODY has a very large collection of tutus. I made a few, but had to stop when her collection outgrew her tutu rack!
The mirror was above our fireplace, and we took it down to hang the flat screen tv.
She dances in front of it at least a few times a day, and I'm sure she has gotten up to check herself out in the middle of the night. hehe

The lower bookshelf under the window was a tall, skinny shelf that is tipped onto its side. All of the shelves were black laminate that I primed and painted white.

Seaweed! (Gillyweed, anyone?) That "Giggle" is a vinyl decal that happened to match the seaweed color perfectly.

Mermaid paintings are hand painted on canvas. I have used those particular canvases for about 5 different projects. I'm sure someday she'll want something other than mermaids, and in that case, a coat of primer starts it over again.

This night light was in my room as a baby. :) sweet.

Hope you enjoyed a peek into Penny's room, and that it'll inspire you to go for it!

Monday, July 25, 2011

{Free Printable} Over at I Heart Naptime

you can find me today over at {i heart naptime} where i am guest posting a back to school free printable.
here is a sneak peak at what you will get:


Saturday, July 23, 2011

{Free Printable} "G" Thanks Mini Bread Loaf Wrapper

a few years ago, my lovely sisters gave me TWO boxes of handmade cards and one of them said, 
"G Thanks!" 
(get it, gee thanks . . . it took me a second too)
they were the first cards i used up and it has taken me this long to make some more.
only this time, they are in mini bread wrapper style. 

 i have been blessed with meeting some truly remarkable people here in omaha who are always willing to help our little family out. the least i can do to show my appreciation is bake them some of my mom's whole wheat bread. . . which, i can never resist eating a slice hot out of the oven (see below).

this bread wrapper {FREE} printable is for a MINI loaf for my lovely friends via google connect whose support keeps me sane! i am sure you creative geniuses out there can find other uses for them besides a bread wrapper. . . jam wrapper, bottle wrapper, thank you tags, etc.
click HERE or on wrappers to download


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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fabric Flower Keychain Tutorial

i saw a ridiculously cute fabric flower keychain in a boutique
 (with an equally ridiculously cute handmade purse), 
both of which i knew i couldn't afford but they gave me inspiration to make my own
well, the keychain at least, i leave the amazing sewing skills to my sister:).
i looked around for tutorials on how to braid fabric with more than 3 strands and this tutorial by make it and love it was the easiest one for me to comprehend and my mind is racing with more braid projects now. 
i went through my scraps and found the ends of my lovely pants that were too short for me so I made capris out of them . . . i knew they would come in handy someday:),
cut 5 2" strips and started braiding them.
i almost stopped here and just made a bracelet out of it but forced myself to stay on track.
i cut all the strands but the middle one and looped it through my keychain.
a word about my keychain, i only looked at 2 stores and couldn't find a bigger one but with 2 loud, hyper and super fun boys in tow, i decided this would work (it comes in a pack of 2 at hobby lobby).
i cut off the extra fabric strand and hot glue gunned it over the other cut strands to give it a nice clean look. probably should have sewed it but a hot glue gun is so much easier.
now onto the flower, really the possibilities are endless. i had a hard time deciding which one to use, but ended up with the classic rose flower. 
1. cut your flower in a 3 1/2 " wide strip (or smaller or bigger depending on the size you want)
2. fold it in half lengthwise and iron
3. sew a gathering stitch along the frayed edge
4. starting at one end, place a dab of hot glue gun on the bottom frayed edge and starting rolling
5. keep rolling and gluing it as you go
6. keep rolling and gluing until you have your rose
i cut a circle out of my fabric and glued it to the back to cover up the lose strands
turn it over and you have a new fabric flower keychain
attach your keys to it and make finding them a whole lot easier.
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Monday, July 18, 2011

Harry Potter Birthday Party

my cute niece asked me to make her a few printables . . . and by a few, i mean quite a few:) 
for her 13th birthday party (still can't believe she is 13) which happened to land on the opening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II
which happens to be one of her favorite movies/books.
so, i went to work with the help of her expertise on all things harry potter and the amazing creativity, patience, and hard work of my sister on getting ready for her party. . .
 and by party, i mean a 3 day party involving a harry potter movie marathon with 10 13 year olds!
i think my sister had a LOT of caffeine to keep up with those girls. 

i must worn you that just looking at these pictures makes me exhausted, not sure how my sister did it!
the party was complete with a display of potions,
house flags,
breakfast table,
snack table,
lunch table,
dinner table,
"great hall" banner,

favors which included a tie 
(something my sister just "whipped up" the night before the party. . .it's okay to not like her just a little bit)
harry potter glasses and a lightening tattoo,
hands on instructions on how to tie a tie,
 harry potter cupcakes,
watching ALL 7 harry potter movies,
and last but definitely not least, going to the midnight showing of

 oh, how i wish i could have used the floo network to go to that party.
it was in utah, i am in nebraska,
they are 13, i am 27.
i was out of luck.

i made 2 different invitations for my niece to choose from, both of which can be found in my shop as well as the harry potter printables.

harry potter embellishments are by tainted sweets at
a site i highly recommend for all things digital design!

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

The wonders of spray paint and {winner announced}!

we have some exciting news here at sugartot designs . . . a new contributor!!
let me introduce you to sarah roberts . . . aka, my long lost sister.
here we are with our almost 2 year olds and almost newborns (she has girls, i have boys)
the similarities between are us are almost scary (and i am not just talking about the red hair).
sarah is the one who gave me the courage to just go for it when it comes to painting and DIY projects. she is a master at it and has her own mini "lowe's" in her house complete with every color paint you will ever need. i always ask her advice before starting anything and not sure what i would do without her expertise.
so now that you know a little about sarah, here is a little peak into her world of spray paint . . .

HI! so excited to be posting today about my favorite hobby, paint. During naptime, i'll run outside with a can of spray paint and something from around the house that needs a splash of color to get a quick fix. It's painting without the brush, the mess, the stirring, rinsing and those horrible rollers. I know, I know... you need them for whole-wall revamping (btw-i never, ever reuse them. it's a pain and they don't work well after that first time). Here are a few of my latest "quick fixes" from naptime- hopefully they'll stir up some ideas for your house...

Okay, this lamp was awful. sorry, i couldn't bear to hold my camera up to it "before". yep, that bad. Gold with black flecks. ugh- straight from 1985, but I loved the shape. So I used one- yes, one- coat of high gloss white and a clearance shade from target. voila! you'd never know that I got it in the free bin at a yard sale.

Fireplace tool rack. Gas Fireplace. Ha! I ditched the tools (not so great with toddlers anyways and it's perfect for umbrellas). This should really be a trash to treasure post, but anyways, this took about two coats of a very eclectic blue. I wanted a color that you would never see on a fireplace tool set.

Before, and After. This chandelier was in the "donate" pile until I decided that changing it from hard-wired to a plug wasn't as hard as it looked. And of COURSE, it needed a fresh coat of spray paint! I kept all of the doodads on it while i sprayed it- it helped keep track of things. However, if you like to take things apart to clean them, take the doodads off first. They are stuck for good otherwise.

Ahhh. so fresh and clean... and check out that toggle switch and plug!

you know that ugly patio furniture that EVERYONE has... it's white, plastic and less than appealing? not anymore!! Yep, you can spray plastic, glass, fabric, wood, metal and stone... and occasionally your fingers. you no longer need a plastic primer, many paint companies have come out with spray paint that will stick to plastic... Hooray!
I saved the best for last. I'm not really into the jungle look at my house, so these brown elephants either needed a makeover or had to go. They're now in our bedroom, but I still haven't found shades worthy enough of their pinkness. :) Now go and turn something drab to fab!

and now the winner of a free invitation from sugartot designs the shop:

True Random Number Generator  14Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Comment #14 - Amy said...

Gave you a shout out on Facebook!
congrats amy! i will e-mail you your gift card!

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